
Good Health: How AI can help prevent the spread of STIs

December 20, 2017

To combat the spread of STIs, HEALER is AI used to locate health influencers and start a word-of-mouth domino effect.

Maya Kachroo-Levine

The most common STIs are spreading all too quickly among teenagers and 20-somethings. Yet, it’s entirely preventable. There are plenty of reasons for the rampant spread — a lack of education and resources, for starters. Public health awareness still has a long way to go. And it doesn’t help that the communities that need health awareness the most are often also...

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Huffington Post Blog: Forget Killer Robots, AI as a Tool for Social Justice

December 7, 2017

by Eric Rice and Milind Tambe

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an ubiquitous part of our daily lives. Particularly and inextricably, AI is linked to our online lives. Your every click and post is being mined by increasingly sophisticated algorithms. Whenever you search for something online, AI is there. AI helps us more successfully navigate real world traffic not just online traffic. And by helping us find information quickly or navigate city streets more effectively, it is easy to appreciate how AI can make our lives better sometimes. And there are some in the tech world who...

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