Viterbi News Article: A Safe Harbor - A Software Program Created by USC Viterbi Computer Scientist Milind Tambe Protects U.S. Ports from Terrorists

February 27, 2013

ARMOR-PROTECT: Randomizing patrols for safer harbors from USC Viterbi on Vimeo.

Scene: Dining alone at a popular bistro at the end of a pier, a nondescript man takes in the glorious Southern California sunshine, the comings and goings of ships, and ocean views that stretch forever. He spends this and other days sipping white wine, sampling hors d’oeuvres and writing on his iPad.

The young man, appearances notwithstanding, is anything but a typical 30-something with time on his hands. Instead, he is an American member of a terrorist organization, casing the area to identify potential vulnerabilities in the port’s security network. His mission: to wreak as much havoc as possible.

Viterbi News Article, Feb 27, 2013: A Safe Harbor - A Software Program Created by USC Viterbi Computer Scientist Milind Tambe Protects U.S. Ports from Terrorists229 KB
See also: 2013