RESC: An approach for dynamic, real-time agent tracking


Milind Tambe and P. S. Rosenbloom. 1995. “ RESC: An approach for dynamic, real-time agent tracking.” In International joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 3rd ed., 12: Pp. 499-522.
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Agent tracking involves monitoring the observ­able actions of other agents as well as infer­ring their unobserved actions, plans, goals and behaviors. In a dynamic, real-time environ­ment, an intelligent agent faces the challenge of tracking other agents' flexible mix of goal-driven and reactive behaviors, and doing so in real-time, despite ambiguities. This paper presents RESC (REal-time Situated Commit­ments), an approach that enables an intelligent agent to meet this challenge. RESC's situat-edness derives from its constant uninterrupted attention to the current world situation — it always tracks other agents' on-going actions in the context of this situation. Despite ambigu­ities, RESC quickly commits to a single inter­pretation of the on-going actions (without an extensive examination of the alternatives), and uses that in service of interpretation of future actions. However, should its commitments lead to inconsistencies in tracking, it uses single-state backtracking to undo some of the commit­ments and repair the inconsistencies. Together, RESC's situatedness, immediate commitment, and single-state backtracking conspire in pro­viding RESC its real-time character. RESC is implemented in the context of intelli­gent pilot agents participating in a real-world synthetic air-combat environment. Experimen­tal results illustrating RESC's effectiveness are presented.
See also: 1995